exclamation Installer may fail on all PSP models! exclamation

PSP edition of the multisystem emulator.The main purpose of this page is to preserve old PSP builds of this emulator, as they are no longer available on the RetroArch website. The version listed here is not necessarily the most recent.List of cores included in version 1.9.14:204881atari800bkbluemsxcrocodsecwolffceummfmsxfreechaffreeintvfrodofusegambattegearboygearcolecogearsystemgmegpspgwhandylowresnxlutromame2003mame2003 plusmednafen lynxmednafen ngpmednafen pce fastmednafen pcemgbamrboomnestopianp2kainxengineo2empicodrivepocketcdgprboomprosystemquasi88quicknesracesmsplussnes9x2005snes9x2005 plustgbdualtheodoreuzemx1

Autor: Libretro Team
Fecha de lanzamiento: 2021-12-06
Versión: 1.9.14
★★★★★ The Best Version For PSP
KARNFU el June 11, 2024
Thanks to the person who made this available. I have always been searching for this specific version that emulates the Gameboy perfectly.
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112 MB