Heart of The Alien for PSP

PSP port of the game. Requires the ISO of the original Sega CD game. If the game comes as a .bin file, it must be converted to .iso first (I suggest WinBin2Iso Portable x64). The ISO must be then renamed to "Heart Of The Alien (U).iso" and placed in the same folder as the EBOOT.
Author: Tinnus
Release date: 2006-08-21
Version: R1
☆☆☆☆☆ Needs to be idiot proof :)
Nou-guy on February 28, 2024
Nou-guy on February 28, 2024
First of all thanks for the upload.
Unfortunately I can't get this to launch and I am wondering what it might be that I am doing wrong, either naming of the files / case sensitive?, or placement of the files in the GAME folder?
There are a couple of different iso's that can be tried converted from .bin files, one's with game music (40+ .bin files) and one without (only one bin file). Testing both works ok with emulation but not this unfortunately.
Is the iso to have ".iso" in the file name or just is an ISO file extension? Which folder: hota-psp-r1, hota%, or hota does the ISO file go into?
I've tried everything... changing name of file multiple times and putting file in every folder... help would be appreciated.
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