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PSP Games
Title Description Size
3D Cube Tech demo showing a 3D object in a Lua script. 605 KB
3D Engine GU Tech demo for a 3D engine for PSP. 99 MB
3D Game Of L Conway's Game of Life in 3D. 5 MB
3D Studio Test app created for the Jpcsp emulator. 107 KB
3D Vector Ba Tech demo for PSP. 143 KB
3D ~ GDS Tech demo for PSP. 722 KB
3DCUBE Tech demo for PSP. 147 KB
4k Intro Tech demo for PSP. 253 KB
7WiN Windowi Demo of a window system for PSP. 819 KB
9/11 Memoria Demo scene for PSP. 294 KB
A* algorithm Lua port of the A* (A-Star) pathfinding algorithm. 415 KB
A_Engine Two demo apps for PSP. 723 KB
Adhoc Sample Test application for PSP. 74 KB
Age of Empir Proof of concept. 12 MB
AITetris Tetris demo with Ascii graphics. 94 KB
Alpha Flame Tech demo for PSP. 3 MB
Anataus 4 PSP port of the demo. 1 MB
Animated Bon Tech demo for PSP. 2 MB
AnimLib Mod Lua library to create animation objects. 478 KB
APoV Project Voxels volume built from CT Scan Dataset using the "atomic point 118 MB
ASE2LUA 3D Lua tech demo. 890 KB
ASM Test Hello World app written in MIPS assembly. 96 KB
Audiolib Wav Demo app for PSP. 60 KB
Auria Interactive demo for an incomplete game. 3 MB
Aurora Demo for the PSP tile engine. 319 KB

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