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PSP Games
Title Description Size
FuturePlayer Music player for PSP. 1 MB
FuSa GamePad Allows you to use a PSP as a PC controller by connecting it with 101 KB
Furikup SIP phone app for PSP. 2 MB
Function Homebrew app for PSP. 714 KB
FrenchToTuga French-to-Portuguese dictionary app for PSP. 7 MB
French-2-Go Language-learning app for PSP. 297 KB
Freeze Viewe Image viewer for PSP. 2 MB
Freeze Owata Browser for the defunct Japanese forum, 2ch. 1 MB
FreeStor Homebrew app for PSP. 5 MB
Freebox Remo Homebrew app for PSP. 341 KB
Fractal Univ Fractal viewer for PSP. 891 KB
Foobar2000 R App to control the PC-based Foobar2000 media player through the 687 KB
Fonts Print Font testing app for PSP. 451 KB
Font Convert Homebrew app for PSP. 248 KB
Font Confirm Application to check the built-in fonts of PSP. 196 KB
Folder Check Utility to create folders missing from your Memory Stick. 1 MB
Flux UI shell for PSP. 652 KB
FlatEditPSP Text editor for PSP. 601 KB
Flash Copy Homebrew app for PSP. 1 MB
FlacPlay Media player for PSP. 201 KB
Fishell UI shell for PSP. 27 MB
Firmware Dum Homebrew app for PSP. 195 KB
FindC App to return the coordinates of a point on screen. 758 KB
Find My Text Returns coordinates for the text. 834 KB
FileSort Utility app for PSP. 871 KB

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