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PSP Games
Title Description Size
Mario's Adve Fan game for PSP. 15 MB
Mario Pong Pong with Mario characters. 2 MB
Mario Moto C Fan game for PSP. 4 MB
Mario Masoch 2D platform game for PSP. 41 MB
Mario Machin Homebrew game for PSP. 2 MB
Mario Kart P Fan game for PSP. 2 MB
Mario Kart P Simple dodging kart game for PSP. Includes a multiplayer mode. 7 MB
Mario Kart 6 2D racing game. 4 MB
Mario Gold R Coin-collecting game. 4 MB
Mario Fusion 2D platformer for PSP. 10 MB
Mario Forain Collection of minigames. 1 MB
Mario et Lui Fan game for PSP. 2 MB
Mario Eater Eat the falling Marios. 3 MB
Mario Don't Homebrew game for PSP. 4 MB
Mario Demo Playable demo for a 3D Mario game. 529 KB
Mario Coin S Fan game for PSP. 6 MB
Mario Bros. Fan game for PSP. 3 MB
Mario Bros Fan game for PSP. 6 MB
Mario Boat Very short dodging game. 2 MB
Mario & Luig Puzzle game. 23 MB
Mario & Luig DOSBox repack of the 1994 PC fan game. 907 KB
Mario Version of Sokoban for PSP. 453 KB
Marilyn: In PSP version of the PlayStation 1 homebrew game. 29 MB
Marijuana "T Visual novel ported to PSP. 12 MB
Marco World Homebrew game for PSP. 10 MB

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