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PSP Games
Title Description Size
Kernel Memor Homebrew app for PSP. 34 KB
Inverted GoC Inverts colors on the GoCam camera. 39 KB
PSP-Info Utility; displays information on battery level, CPU and MAC addr 41 KB
UMD Dumper The first homebrew UMD dumper. Author unknown. Release info from 45 KB
2.6 Train-Um UMD loader. 49 KB
Simple IrDA Homebrew app for PSP. 49 KB
Pad & Remoco Homebrew app for PSP. 50 KB
Jiggle`s Dev Homebrew app for PSP. 53 KB
Kernel Memor Homebrew app for PSP. 55 KB
Shine's Save Utility app for PSP. 55 KB
Open Source Homebrew app for PSP. 56 KB
Koens Loader ISO loader for PSP. 58 KB
Brainfuck fo PSP interpreter for the Brainfuck programming language. 58 KB
Home Bot Homebrew app for PSP. 59 KB
PSP Diagnost Utility app for PSP. 60 KB
Custom Firmw Tests a recovery.elf file without flashing it to memory. 62 KB
PSPgo Fake-P Homebrew app for PSP. 63 KB
PSP IrDA Raw Simple program to send the raw data of a file through the infrar 63 KB
Nand Currenc Homebrew app for PSP. 64 KB
CardDump MS PRO Duo ID Dumper. 64 KB
PatchSFO This homebrew app can patch the .SFO files contained inside EBOO 64 KB
PSP Depackag A homebrew to install PSN PSP pkgs on the PSP. 65 KB
PSP NAND Fla A tool that dumps the PSP's built-in NAND flash to a file. 66 KB
Memory Stick Homebrew app for PSP. 66 KB
NO-KXploit P Application to patch the firmware 1.50 (in RAM) to allow it to r 69 KB

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