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PSP Games
Title Description Size
Resistor Col Utility app for PSP. 745 KB
Rock Station Music application for PSP. 14 MB
Reboot Simple app for PSP. 443 KB
PSCrypter Utility app for PSP. 468 KB
Road Dog WiFi connection sniffer. 5 MB
Revorb File-based Ogg/Vorbis player for the PSP, built as a companion p 346 KB
Time Baby Talking graphic alarm clock program for PSP. 24 MB
TaSkPSP Utility app for PSP. 5 MB
AFKIM Instant messenger for PSP, supporting several once-popular apps. 2 MB
WiFiControll Turns your PSP into a controller for your PC (running Windows). 531 KB
Academic Aid Educational app for the PSP 4 MB
PSP Media Ce Homebrew app for PSP. 5 MB
Media Player Music player for PSP. 3 MB
YamaIRC IRC client for PSP. 308 KB
PsPixel Pixel art sketcher for PSP. 1 MB
PsGImp Image editor for PSP. 2 MB
Custom Firmw Tests a recovery.elf file without flashing it to memory. 62 KB
PMP Mod AVC Media player for PSP, supporting the AVC format. 5 MB
Memory Stick Homebrew app for PSP. 1 MB
Atrac 3 Play Homebrew app for PSP. 117 KB
Lua Mainfram Homebrew app for PSP. 782 KB
Astronomy Shows the position of planets based on solar time. 1 MB
Goear PSP Music downloader for PSP. As the server it depends on is permane 1 MB
Goodbookr (A Tagalog-language version of the Bible. 6 MB
GaleríaMark Homebrew app for PSP. 1 MB

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